[Full Online Edition] [Summary] [Cover] 
Testing kinetic of nutrients release from complex mineral fertilizers coated with co-polyester films from pet waste recycling and effect on soil chemical properties
Written by Amelia ANGHEL, Anca-Rovena LĂCĂTUŞU, Radu LĂCĂTUŞU, Stela IANCU, Mihaela LUNGU, Rodica LAZĂR, Andrei VRÎNCEANU, Claudia BĂLĂCEANU
Pages 13 to 18
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Contribution of soil invertebrates to the stability of eroded soils in the South of the Republic of Moldova
Written by Alina BĂLAN, Irina SENICOVSCAIA, Raisa DANILIUC
Pages 19 to 24
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Long term heavy metals soil pollution caused by emissions from Thermal Power Plant Doiceşti
Written by Claudia-Elena BĂLĂCEANU
Pages 25 to 29
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Studies on soil cover and land suitability to various agricultural uses, in the South/East of the Olt County
Written by Mariana BURCEA, Marian MUŞAT
Pages 30 to 35
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Modification of main soil agrochemical indicators under different fertilization systems applied in greenhouse for maize and oats yields
Written by Valentina COTEŢ
Pages 36 to 39
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Agroecology problems by maintenance of fertility soil
Written by Larisa CREMENEAC
Pages 40 to 43
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Research concerning the organic carbon quantity of National Park Piatra Craiului and the C/N ratio
Written by Elena - Mihaela EDU, Sevastian UDRESCU, Mircea MIHALACHE, Lucian DINCĂ
Pages 44 to 46
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The state land quality in the vineyards of Republic Moldova
Written by Boris GĂINĂ, Tamara LEAH
Pages 47 to 52
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Processes and types of aggregate organization of a typical moderated humiferous chernozem in conditions of various no-till models
Written by Gheorghe JIGĂU, Tatiana NAGACEVSCHI, Elena TOFAN
Pages 53 to 56
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Considerations regarding the evolution of chernozems in the Carpatho-Danubian-Pontic region under agricultural regime
Written by Gheorghe JIGĂU
Pages 57 to 63
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
State quality monitoring of the grey soils from warm moderately North zone of The Republic Moldova
Written by Tamara LEAH
Pages 64 to 69
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Evolution of chernozems leached quality under intensive agriculture in central zone of Moldova
Written by Tamara LEAH, Nicolai LEAH
Pages 70 to 73
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in a polluted soil as mediated by a natural biodegradable product
Written by Mariana MARINESCU, Anca LĂCĂTUŞU, Mihail DUMITRU, Mihai MARINESCU
Pages 74 to 78
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Influence of different amendments on the dynamics of molds in chernozem soil of Dobrogea
Written by Tatiana PASCU, Elena DELCĂ
Pages 79 to 81
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Pedologic evaluation of the erosion degree of the soils in Slănic (Buzău) and Râmnicu Sărat river basins
Written by Mihai PARICHI, Anca-Luiza STĂNILĂ, Marian MUŞAT
Pages 82 to 86
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Changes in the pedolandscape of the RomanaĠi Plain (The Field of Dăbuleni) -
Written by Mihai PARICHI, Anca-Luiza STĂNILĂ, Ştefan ISPAS
Pages 87 to 90
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Study on the impact of product on the ground due to operation of station asphalt Gureni Gorj
Written by Irina-Ramona PECINGINĂ
Pages 91 to 93
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Sustainable land management in agriculture - Obrenovac Municipality (Serbia) case study
Written by Vesna POPOVIĆ, Jonel SUBIĆ, Marko JELOČNIK
Pages 94 to 101
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Review process of water movement in soil in the sprinkler irrigation system using a simulation model HYDRUS-1D
Written by Amirpouya SARRAF, Saeed SAFARI DOLATABADI, Morteza SALEHPOOR
Pages 102 to 106
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Description of hydrolytic lignin in terms of its use as fertilizer and amendment -
Written by Andrei SIURIS
Pages 107 to 110
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Pedogeomorfological data from Titu - DâmboviĠa area
Written by Anca-Luiza STĂNILĂ, Mihai PARICHI, Ştefan ISPAS, Adrian BASARABĂ
Pages 111 to 116
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
An overview on the main properties of a gleyic phaeozem located in Mitoc, Botoşani county, Romania
Written by Claudia ŞTEFAN, G. ŞTEFAN
Pages 117 to 122
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The effect of prolonged release mineral fertilizers coated with co-polyester films from pet waste recycling on maize plants
Written by Amelia ANGHEL, Anca-Rovena LĂCĂTUŞU, Radu LĂCĂTUŞU, Stela IANCU, Mihaela LUNGU, Rodica LAZĂR, Andrei VRÎNCEANU
Pages 123 to 128
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The behaviour of some sunflower (Helianthus annuus) hybrids from abroad under water and heat stress at ARDS Simnic
Written by Dorina BONEA, Viorica URECHEAN, Emilia CONSTANTINESCU, Dragoş IANCU
Pages 129 to 132
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Study regarding useful fauna on corn plants
Written by Diana COMAN
Pages 133 to 136
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research on behavior of the triticale genotypes in the sandy soils conditions -
Written by Iulian DRĂGHICI
Pages 137 to 141
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Optimization of the production of beans cowpea under the impact of technological factors
Written by Reta DRĂGHICI
Pages 142 to 146
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Researches concerning vegetation treatment of the maize crop for controlling of the maize leaf weevil (Tanymecus dilaticollis GYLL)
Written by Emil GEORGESCU, Nicoleta BALABAN, Lidia CANĂ
Pages 147 to 153
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Water management – larger yield and lower costs
Written by Christian HALDRUP
Pages 154 to 157
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Oilseed rape production under the autumn water stress conditions in Romania
Written by Horia Victor HĂLMĂJAN, Gabriel GHIŢĂ, Leonard Gabriel ANDREI, Alexandru IonuĠ SPINCIU, Mihaela GEORGESCU, Gina SCĂEŢEANU
Pages 158 to 161
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Studies concerning nectar secretion at rapeseed (Brassica napus L. ssp. Oleifera D.C.)
Written by Nicoleta ION, Viorel ION, Răzvan COMAN, Adrian Gheorghe BĂŞA
Pages 162 to 169
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Studies concerning water uptake during germination process at cereals
Written by Viorel ION, Adrian Gheorghe BĂŞA, LenuĠa Iuliana EPURE, Maria TOADER
Pages 170 to 175
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research about manganese regime from agricultural eco-systems improved by the sewage sludge
Written by Nicolaie IONESCU, Gelu MUJEA, Marilena DIACONU, Ana IORDĂNESCU, Sorin Gabriel IONESCU
Pages 176 to 181
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Study about biodiversity of Matricaria inodora ligulae flowers type
Written by Nicolaie IONESCU, Sorin Gabriel IONESCU
Pages 182 to 187
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Oilseed rape crop in Romania under climatic conditions over the last 5 years: cultivated areas and yields
Written by Daniela Elena MĂLAIMARE
Pages 188 to 191
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Efficiency of utilization of a drought index in evaluation of adaptability to drought of corn hybrids (Zea mays L.) in early testing stages
Written by Valentin MANDACHE, Ion CIOCAZANU, Gabriela VALSAN, Viorel DINCĂ
Pages 192 to 200
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Amelioration effect of alfalfa culture in the mini-till agriculture system
Written by Maria MOTELICĂ
Pages 201 to 206
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
A comparative farm level cultivation of conventional and BT cotton
Written by Sajjad A. MUHAMMAD
Pages 207 to 211
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research regarding weed infestation in wheat crop at ecologic Prod Farm, Mihail Kogălniceanu - ConstanĠa county
Written by Gheorghe PASCU
Pages 212 to 215
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research regarding weed control in wheat
Written by Gheorghe PASCU
Pages 216 to 219
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The uses of wild species Helianthus argophyllus for obtaining sunflower germplasms with improved resistance to drought and broomrape infestation -
Written by Elena PETCU, Maria JOIŢA-PĂCUREANU
Pages 220 to 224
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Preliminary research regarding monilinia laxa (aderhold & ruhland) honey ex whetzel attack in plum tree
Written by Tudorel POPA, Stelica CRISTEA, Cristinel Relu ZALĂ
Pages 225 to 228
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Considerations on energetic effect to crop prodution on eroded soils
Written by Popov LEONID
Pages 229 to 232
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The behavior of some new corn hybrids, cultivated in Brăila county
Written by Aurica SOARE, Gheorghe VOICU
Pages 233 to 238
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research on the dynamics of the productivity components in Dactylis glomerata L., under the conditions of the Romanian Plain
Written by Ana-Maria STANCIU, Vasilica STAN, Gheorghe MOTCĂ
Pages 239 to 243
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The response of some sunflower hybrids in low water supply conditions in the central Dobrogea Plateau
Written by Gabriela-Mariana STOICA, Ionel JINGA, Ion STERE, Ioana STERE, Vasile STOICA, Viorel DINCĂ, Vasilică-Irinel HOARCĂ
Pages 244 to 248
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Characteristics of amphidiploids in the Triticum-Aegilops-Haynaldia-Agropyron group
Written by Hristo STOYANOV
Pages 249 to 255
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Utilization of large testing network to estimate annual genetic gain for yield and tolerance of corn to water stress in a breeding program FAO 480 and FAO 550
Written by Gabriela VALSAN, Ion CIOCAZANU, Valentin MANDACHE, Viorel DINCĂ
Pages 256 to 260
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Studies on quality of multifoliolate alfalfa
Written by Christina YANCHEVA, Dimitria PETKOVA, Atanas SEVOV
Pages 261 to 264
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research regarding the response of rapeseed hybrids to pathogens
Written by Cristinel Relu ZALĂ, Stelica CRISTEA, Emil RADU, Mali-Sanda MANOLE, Viorel Adrian BĂLAŞU, Elena Camelia CLINCIU
Pages 265 to 270
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research on productivity and yield quality of Salvia officinalis L. species grown in organic agriculture conditions
Written by Adrian Gheorghe BĂŞA, Gheorghe Valentin ROMAN, Viorel ION, Maria TOADER, Lenuţa Iuliana EPURE
Pages 271 to 278
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Management of organic waste in context environment protection
Written by Tatiana BOCLACI
Pages 279 to 282
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Principles of organic agriculture
Written by Viorela CODOI, Ramona IANCU
Pages 283 to 287
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The premises of ecological agriculture development in The Republic of Moldova -
Written by Liliana CONDRAŢCHI, Pavel MOVILEANU, Veronica MOVILEANU
Pages 288 to 293
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research on the productivity and yield quality of maize (Zea mays L.) – pumpkin species (oil pumpkin – Cucurbita pepo var. Oleifera L., musk pumpkin – Cucurbita moschata Duch.) intercropping, in the organic agriculture system
Written by Elena Mirela DUSA, Gheorghe Valentin ROMAN
Pages 294 to 297
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The analysis of weed communities from a rape crop in Fundulea (county - Călăraşi)
Written by Mihaela Ioana GEORGESCU, Horia Victor HĂLMĂJAN
Pages 298 to 301
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Organic beekeeping and bee products
Written by Ramona IANCU, LetiĠia OPREAN, Viorela CODOI
Pages 302 to 305
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Influence of depth placement and duration of stay in the soil of Amaranthus species seeds on rest and germination
Written by Cveta MOSKOVA
Pages 306 to 309
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research regarding production potential of lucerne in ecological crop
Written by Mihai ROŞU
Pages 310 to 313
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research regarding quality of lucerne in ecological culture
Written by Mihai ROŞU
Pages 314 to 320
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
An investigation into the ergonomics of tractor seat position
Written by Kate LIVESEY, Lancelot BUTTERS
Pages 321 to 326
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The experimentation of the TC 5050 new holland combine harvester in winter wheat crop harvesting
Written by Corneliu PAHONI
Pages 327 to 330
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research regarding the performances obtained by the 560 and the 750 Claas Lexion combines in sunflower harvesting
Written by Corneliu PAHONI
Pages 331 to 333
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Aggregate for plowing and sowing of blend species and help in the forests
Written by Ion SARACIN, Olimpia PANDIA, Alexandru CHIRIAC, Ion BOZGA
Pages 334 to 340
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Practical considerations regarding the work capacity of Stihl BT 121 motto-borer, equipped with a 150mm drill, for drilling holes for planting saplings
Written by Nicuşor BOJA, Florin BOJA, Petru Aurel DĂRĂU
Pages 341 to 348
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Research for optimization of green spaces design and irrigation in Bucharest’s Plain
Written by Alexandru-Marian CHIPER, Sorin-Mihai CÎMPEANU, Alina NIŢU, Ionel JINGA, Valentina CHIPER (MIHALCEA)
Pages 349 to 360
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Lycium barbarum L. – a new species with adaptability potential in Bucharest’s area
Written by Ioana Claudia MENCINICOPSCHI, Viorica BĂLAN, Carmen Gabriela MANOLE
Pages 361 to 364
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Determinations of the content of vitamin C, carotene and protein in different local populations of hot pepper for use in the pharmaceutical industry
Written by Olimpia PANDIA, Ion SARACIN, Alexandru CHIRIAC, Ion BOZGA, Margareta OANCEA, Carmen TICU
Pages 365 to 368
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Determination of NPK in some local populations of pepper in order to obtain adequate food compliant with the EU food safety rules
Written by Olimpia PANDIA, Ion SARACIN, Alexandru CHIRIAC, Ion BOZGA, Margareta OANCEA, Carmen TICU
Pages 369 to 374
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Needs assessment of efficiency and promotion of physical education activity in education academic agronomic
Written by Claudia ANGHEL
Pages 375 to 378
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Morfo functional study on profile and driving current students of USAMV Bucharest
Written by Claudia ANGHEL
Pages 379 to 382
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Evolution of Romanian agriculture in the last two decades and the necessity of cooperation
Written by Florentin BERCU, Daniel Dumitru BOTĂNOIU
Pages 383 to 386
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Diversity of Xiphinema species (nematoda: dorylaimida) associated with different crops in Romania
Written by Mariana BONTĂ (GROZA), Vlada PENEVA, Stela LAZAROVA, Ioan ROŞCA
Pages 387 to 390
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
The agricultural consultancy service from Romania
Written by Alina DRAGOMIR
Pages 391 to 395
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Spikes of azure bloom: lavender – history... and stories
Written by Elena-Loredana POHRIB, Elena NISTOR
Pages 396 to 405
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Changes in the structure of Platanus sp. and Tilia sp. species induced by pollution
Written by Emilia Brînduşa SĂNDULESCU, Tudor ŞCHIOPU
Pages 406 to 409
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]
Model and support system prototype for scheduling the beehive emplacement to agricultural and forest melliferous resources
Written by Virgil VLAD, Nicoleta ION, George COJOCARU, Viorel ION, Adrian LORENŢ
Pages 410 to 415
[Abstract][Full article][Citation]